Yoga Mentorship - Perth, WA with Malika

Yoga is for everyone and anyone, for all backgrounds, cultures, ages, religions, body types, and professions - “If you can breathe you can do yoga!” - T. Krishnamacharya

I’m so happy to be able to offer this unique mentoring experience in person to anyone eager for an authentic yoga journey into the heart of teaching. 

this mentorship is completely decolonised learning - an experiential approach, sharing knowledge through conversation, deep listening, and through lots of yoga practice that is suited to the individual. 

This is a personal approach - heart to heart. 

We will strip it right back to the simplicity of what it really means to be a yoga teacher - you will be able to teach comfortably and naturally by the end of it, genuinely caring about the people you teach. 

This mentorship is not in any particular “style” of yoga but rather it is the essential principles of body and breath as brought forth from the Indian tradition by the "teacher of the teachers," Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. 

*Due to the nature of this mentoring being 1:1 I will have limited availability.

Live-in Yoga Mentorship - Boddington, WA with Malika

I’m moving to the country and I couldn’t be happier. We’ve found ourselves a little 1960s cottage home in the picturesque town of Boddington, WA. Most of my time will now be spent in this beautiful little town and a lot less time in the city.

This means I’m changing the way I share some of my offerings with you all, specifically my 1:1 yoga mentorship and I’m SO excited about it. No this doesn’t mean I’m going online.

You can now stay with me in my country home!

This mentorship will be spread over the course of 3 separate overnight stays depending on your own personal availability. This approach is really for someone who wants to drop in to the experience in a more raw and kinda old school way, in the quiet, slowing the whole process down - a real journey in to heart of teaching and LIVING yoga. This is something I’ve wanted to do for a while - it feels like a really natural and authentic way of sharing and learning TOGETHER, stepping out of the city bubble to deepen your own practice and inspire your teaching.

Enquire Below


Jon - Paul 

I am so very grateful that I had the opportunity to embark on a yoga mentorship with Malika. Her presence and heart-to-heart approach were calm and clear, evoking a sense of joy and trust. Learning felt effortless and embodied, arising from Malika’s skillful guidance and wisdom. With the one-on-one aspect, allowing my own teaching style to develop naturally. It’s already been valuable to share this yoga with others, and for me personally, the mentorship was a life-affirming experience. For anyone interested, I wholeheartedly recommend applying

Neesh Willis 

To me, the modern expectations of ‘Yoga’ seemed to be measured on how deep you can go in your splits, how cute your outfit is or how many ‘tricks’ you can do. “I can’t even touch my toes”, lead me to believe that I ‘couldn’t do yoga’. This all changed the moment I met Malika and was graced with her presence as she guided a class at her studio, cntre space. ‘If you can breathe, you can do yoga’. 

Two classes at Mali’s studio blossomed into three of the most profound months of my life; learning the principles of yoga and ultimately learning about myself and the woman I aspire to be. A 1:1 mentoring experience stripping yoga back to the roots and origins from the land where it all began, India, and to the man whose teachings are still so profound and relevant, T. Krishnamacharya. This is the heart of yoga. My three month mentoring experience with Malika not only assisted in broadening my knowledge on the simplicity of Yoga; making love with life itself, but also healed parts of my soul that had once been damaged and ultimately has made me into a better, wiser and more conscious person. It changed my life. 

Malika is the best yogini I will ever know. If you are feeling the call to learn and dive deep, listen to your inner voice and go for it

Fiona Peacock

My yoga mentorship with Malika has been an awesome experience and one which I highly recommend to anyone wanting to deepen their understanding of their yoga practice/teaching. Mailika has taught me the simplicity and power of connecting to breath throughout the entire practice and how yoga truly becomes a moving meditation and leaves you feeling amazing.

Malika is such a beautiful human being who has an amazing quality of making you feel comfortable, nurtured and relaxed, enabling you to have space to connect to your true self and to be confident to be truly you.

Malika also has a talent for amazing playlists too!

I highly recommend Mailka's mentorship and awesome yoga classes at Cntre Space.

Georgia May

I am so grateful I took the chance and started my yoga journey with Malika. As someone who can struggle with anxiety, Malika instantly made me feel at home and safe with her nurturing support and guidance. I have learned so much about myself and what I am already capable of. This mentorship incorporates the perfect balance of breath, movement and spirituality in a relaxed environment. Malika has the unique qualities to make you feel seen and understood. I felt so calm and warm after every session together. I would highly recommend for anyone new or experienced with yoga to consider this mentorship if you want to deepen your practice. I feel incredibly connected with myself and in-tune with my own body and I look forward to where this mentorship will take me.

Siobhán Titlestad

Last year, I had the immense privilege of doing a 1:1 mentorship with Malika Warda. I did it because I was in the process of finishing my 300 hr YTT and just didn't feel like I had the confidence to articulate, guide or teach. Beyond that, to me (and many others) yoga is far more than a sequence of moves and the teachers I've really loved being taught by have a unique ability to hold space, and empathise with what the 'collectively students need from each class. With all of this in mind, I came to my mentorship hoping to figure out how to phrase and sequence in a way that felt a little more raw and grounded. I did learn those things, but they were the least of what I came away with.

Over the 9 weeks I met with Malika, I felt I truly deepened my practice - the whole of yoga not just 'how to teach'. To date, it was some of the most profound self-work I have ever been guided into. We spoke honestly, about fears, conditioning, expectations and heartbreak. Most importantly all of this evolved so incredibly naturally that I didn't even realise the work I was leaning into, until I was in the midst of it. At the time, I described these sessions to my nearest and dearest as a kind of 'moving therapy', that was having more impact on my ability to set boundaries, articulate my thoughts and move through grief than any mental health support Id ever accessed. Somewhere between really genuine conversations, the simplicity of routine connection, decompressing with gentle movement and finding joy in the skills I was learning I began to heal things I didn't even know I needed healing.

Whilst yoga is ABSOLUTELY for anyone who wants to access it, the sessions I did with Malika were work of the feminine. It was immersed with a softness that echoed a unique empathy, which can only be found through shared experiences. I came away with a different perspective on my body, an appreciation for her softness and a gratitude for all of the micro ways it sustains me. It shifted my self consciousness in a way which helped me let go of things in a way that balanced grace with strength in my boundaries. I came away not feeling guilty about prioritising rest, or not taking part in every social activity. As a result of this, it changed my relationship with both food and sleep for the better.

I really felt the conclusion of my sessions, and didn't recognise how much of an internal shift they'd triggered until I wasn't making time or space for that routine, connection and movement. Beautifully, I'm so lucky to have Malika in my life as a bit of a guru and to be able to tap into her teachings, and the skills she's given me and I'll be doing a lot more of that in 2024. So yes, if you are wanting to deepen your practice to have a completely tailored teaching experience Id recommended Malika, but Id also recommend being mentored by her if you feel like 'something has to change' but don't quite know how or what that is yet. I won't apologise if it makes you turn your whole world upside down for the better.

Betty Browne

Before beginning my mentoring with Malika I felt a little lost in my yoga teaching journey with most studios offering a more masculine/ strength based yoga practice. I began to feel a little lost as a yoga teacher and felt that this was not an effective yoga practice. Malika’s mentoring helped me realise that a fulfilling yoga practice has both the quality of strength, and ease. The teachings were simple and at the heart of yoga. Breath being the primary focus. I fell in-love with my own body and breath though the mentoring and began to learn that a simple yoga practice guided by the breath was a much more effective practice. I now teach with confidence and ease and know what I’m sharing is effective and pleasurable for everyone to enjoy. I would highly recommend Malika’s mentoring, she’s a wonderful sincere friend and teacher

Oceane Knight

Before coming to cntre space, I had never experienced a yoga practice that focused on the connection between the mind, spirit, body and breath. After my first class with Malika, I fell in love with the practice and found myself wanting to learn everything I could from her. 

After attending weekly classes for a few months I decided that I wanted to learn how to teach, just as Malika was starting her own mentoring program for those who want to learn more about yoga and those who wish to become teachers themselves. 

The way that Malika brings spirituality and the connection to the body together is incredibly powerful and has allowed me to learn more about myself and how to become more grounded and present within my life. 

The in depth course that I completed has given me the knowledge and experience to create my own personal practice and has in turn taught me how to guide others through the practice. 

Cntre space is a beautiful environment filled with open minded, kind hearted people who instantly made me feel at home. The presence within the space deeply reflects Malika’s own kindness, compassion and authenticity. Coming to cntre space and practicing with Malika has changed my life, and made me a better person

Brooke Hayward

After attending Malika's classes regularly, I always knew I wanted to learn more about yoga and her teachings. This led me to embark on a mentorship with her, and I'm incredibly grateful for the experience it has been.

I was drawn to the opportunity to study something that I love and develop a deeper understanding of the basic principles of yoga. Her guidance has enhanced my self-practice, as well as giving me the confidence to share my practice with others.

Malika creates a beautiful, calm, and relaxed environment that allows you to drop into her space instantly. It enables you to focus on your studies while receiving the benefits of the practice each and every time. I looked forward to these classes weekly.

I highly recommend Malika's teachings to anyone hoping to facilitate and share their knowledge with others or simply better their self-practice. I will always cherish and hold these sessions close to my heart. I can't thank Malika enough

Kelsee Sewell

My time with Malika was simple and nurturing.

Taking the time to learn a new way to connect inward has been really restorative for me.

Slowing down in a new way, learning to incorporate movement into my already established breath practice, plus support and trust myself on a deeper level has been really enjoyable. Malika has reminded me to find the joy and being in these practices, not the doing.

Malika creates a space of safety and security to visit any part of yourself that comes up to be expressed or acknowledged as you move through the experience and that is something I really appreciated. It wasn't just about the movement & breath and I loved that we connected with one another on other levels.

Life kept happening and we honoured and supported each other for that. Allowing a little more space between the learnings to practice really meant I was able to show up in a way I wanted too, without any pressure.

Im excited to continue the less is more approach in my practice and in my life.

Jasmine Mackenzie

I met Malika 5 years ago at her amazing yoga studio, cntrespace. I knew intuitively that she was going to be a big part of my healing journey some how and the opportunity to do a 1:1 mentorship with this beautiful soul was absolutely divine timing.

Her ability to be patient, present and to accomodate to my needs spiritually, physically, intellectually and mentally throughout the whole process has given me way more confidence and a whole new love for yoga.

Malika has not only helped me with yoga but guided me to overcome many obstacles in my life, more than she’ll ever know. Life gets busy sometimes, but even a quick conversation or her brief presence is healing on its own. Malika is honestly an inspiration to me and I am truly grateful for everything she has ever taught me and everything that’s yet to come.