A Winter Retreat For Women

By Malika Warda

Margaret River, Western Australia

July 24 - 28 2025

Winter reminds us to slow down and appreciate the stillness of the world.

It inspires reflection and a sense of wonder - it’s a time to pause reflect and renew.

A time to honour the mystery.

Join Malika and special guests as we embark on a 4 night slow living and gourmet winter retreat in the South West.


4 nights at the stunning Tanah Marah / twice daily yoga practices / Vinyasa with Malika and Yin with Katie / Breathwork, Meditation, Journaling, Yarning / Bush Walking / Gourmet Breakfasts, Lunches and Dinners / Winter Resonance Workshop with Katie Green / River Ceramics Pottery Workshop with Jolene Hewison / Soundhealing Session with Julian Silburn / Eco/Botanical Dyeing Experience with Jillian Finch / Time and space to relax and unwind or to explore the stunning region.